Oral Presentation Program (PDF:28.1KB)
Poster Presentation Program (PDF:48.8KB)
-- Scientific Program (Oral Presentation) --
Nov. 17, Mon.
12:55-13:00 Opening remark
13:00-14:00 (Invited talk: 60min)
Kazuya Koyama (Portsmouth, UK)
"Modified gravity as an alternative to dark energy"
14:00-15:00 (15min x 4)
Masashi Oasa (Waseda University)
"Post-Newtonian parameters and constraints on TeVeS theory"
Tsutomu Kobayashi (Waseda University)
"Relativistic stars in f(R) gravity, and absence thereof"
Masumi Kasai (Hirosaki University)
"Inhomogeneous Interpretation on The Supernova Legacy Survey Data"
Chul-Moon Yoo (Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics)
"Solving the Inverse Problem with Inhomogeneous Universes
---Toward a test of the Copernican principle---"
15:00-15:30 coffee and posters
15:30-17:15 (15min x 7)
Keisuke Izumi (Kyoto University)
"Massive spin-2 ghost in de Sitter spacetime"
Shunichiro Kinoshita (The University of Tokyo)
"Thermodynamic and dynamical stability of Freund-Rubin compactification"
Norihiro Tanahashi (Kyoto University)
"Initial data of black hole localized on Karch-Randall brane"
Tatsuhiko Koike (Keio University)
"Systematic construction of classical string solutions"
Makoto Tanabe (Waseda University)
"Non-BPS Rotating Black Hole and Black String by Intersecting M-branes"
Kunihito Uzawa (Osaka City University)
"Classification of dynamical intersecting brane solutions"
Peter Hogan (Tohoku University)
"On The Motion of a Small Charged Black Hole in General Relativity"
Nov. 18, Tue.
9:00-10:00 (Invited talk: 60min)
Gary Shiu (Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
"String Inflation: an Update"
10:00-10:45 (15min x 3)
Kohei Kamada (RESCEU, The University of Tokyo)
"Can dissipative effects help the MSSM inflation?"
Ryo Saito (RESCEU)
"Gravitational-Wave Constraints on Abundance of Primordial Black Holes"
Yuko Urakawa (Waseda University)
"A solution to the IR divergence problem of interacting inflaton field"
10:45-11:15 Coffee and posters
11:15-12:45 (15min x 6)
Masashi Kimura (Osaka City University)
"Anisotropic inflation from vector impurity"
Masahiro Nakashima (RESCEU)
"WMAP-5yr Constraint on the Varying Fine Structure Constant"
Takeshi Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo)
"Conformal Inflation, Modulated Reheating, and WMAP5"
Masakazu Sano (Hokkaido University)
"Moduli fixing in Brane gas cosmology"
Daisuke Yamauchi (YITP, Kyoto University)
"Open inflation in string landscape"
Masaki Satoh (Kyoto University)
"Higher Curvature Corrections to Primordial Fluctuations in
Slow-roll Inflation"
12:45-14:15 Lunch
14:15-15:30 (15min x 5)
Atsushi Naruko (Kyoto University)
"Large non-Gaussianity from multi-brid inflation"
Tomo Takahashi (Saga University)
"Non-Gaussianity in the Curvaton Scenario"
Kazunori Nakayama (ICRR, University of Tokyo)
"Non-Gaussianity from Isocurvature Perturbations"
Takashi Hiramatsu (ICRR, University of Tokyo)
"Non-linear evolution of density power spectrum in a closure theory"
Shuntaro Mizuno (RESCEU)
"Non-gaussianity from the bispectrum in general multiple field inflation"
15:30-16:00 Coffee and posters
16:00-17:00 (15min x 5)
Shuichiro Yokoyama (Nagoya University)
"Primordial Trispectrum in Multi-Scalar Inflation"
Yuichi Takamizu (Waseda University)
"Nonlinear superhorizon perturbations of non-canonical scalar"
Wonwoo Lee (CQUeST, Sogang University)
"The vacuum bubble and black hole pair creation"
Babak Vakili (IAU, Iran)
"Deformed phase space and canonical quantum cosmology"
Shintaro Sawayama (Sawayama Cram School of Physics)
"Entanglement of universe"
Nov. 19, Wed.
9:00-11:00 (Invited talks: 60min x 2)
Koji Yoshimura (KEK, Japan)
"Cosmic-ray antiparticles as a probe of early universe"
Kazunori Kohri (Lancaster, UK)
"Long-lived particles and cosmology in supergravity"
11:00-11:30 Coffee and posters
11:30-12:45 (15min x 5)
Yuichiro Sekiguchi(National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)
"Towards clarifying the central engine of long gamma-ray bursts"
Takamitsu Horiguchi (Nagoya University)
"Particle acceleration in force-free magnetospheres around
rotating black holes - the outer gap models -"
Taichi Kobayashi (Nagoya University)
"Super-radiance of electromagnetic radiation from disk surface around
Kerr black hole"
Roman Konoplya (Kyoto University)
"Particles motion near the magnetized black hole surrounded by a
toroidal distribution of matter"
Motoyuki Saijo (Rikkyo University)
"Faraday Resonance in Dynamically Bar Unstable Stars"
12:45-14:15 Lunch
14:15-15:45 (Invited talks: 45min x 2)
Yasushi Fukazawa (Hiroshima Univ.)
"Current status of Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope"
Markus Ackermann (SLAC, USA)
"First results and future prospects of the Fermi Large Area Telescope"
15:45-16:30 (15min x 3)
Yosuke Takamori (Osaka City University)
"Can the Blandford-Znajek monopole solution extend beyond the inner
light surface?"
Hideki Asada (Hirosaki University)
"Perturbation theory of N point-mass gravitational lens"
Fabio Scardigli (YITP, Kyoto University)
"Glimpses on the micro black hole Planck phase"
16:30- Poster session
18:00- Conference Dinner
Nov. 20, Thu.
9:00-10:00 (Invited talk: 60min)
Luciano Rezzolla (AEI, Germany)
"Modeling black holes and neutron stars as sources of gravitational waves"
10:00-10:45 (15min x 3)
Yuji Torigoe (Hirosaki University)
"Gravitational radiation by celestial bodies in various orbits"
Kenta Kiuchi (Waseda University)
"Long term simulation of binary neutron star merger"
Jakob Hansen (Waseda University)
"Passage of radiation through wormholes"
10:45-11:15 Coffee and posters
11:15-11:45 (30min)
Naoki Seto (NAOJ)
"Science with space gravitational wave detectors"
11:45-12:45 (15min x 4)
Kent Yagi (Kyoto University)
"Stringent Constraints on Brans-Dicke Parameter using 0.1Hz
Gravitational Wave Interferometers"
Luca Baiotti (University of Tokyo)
"Inspiralling neutron-star binaries"
Kenta Hioki (Waseda University)
"Hidden symmetries and photon capture in rotating dilaton black holes"
Takashi Tamaki (Waseda University)
"Gravitating Q-balls and their stabilities"
12:45-14:15 Lunch
14:15-14:45 (30min x 1)
Hideo Kodama (IPNS, KEK)
"Repulsons in the Myers-Perry family"
14:45-15:45 (15min x 4)
Amitabha Lahiri (S.N.Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences, Calcutta)
"Black hole no-hair theorems for positive Lambda"
Ishwaree Neupane (University of Canterbury)
"Viscosity and Entropy Bounds from Black Hole Physics"
Ryotaku Suzuki (Kyoto University)
"Phase transition on AdS Kerr-Newman Black holes"
Kazumi Kashiyama (Kyoto University)
"Analytic approach to the Hawking Page transition"
15:45-16:15 Coffee and posters
16:15-17:00 (15min x 3)
Keiju Murata (Kyoto University)
"Phase Transitions of Charged Kerr-AdS Black Holes from Gauge Theories"
Tomohiro Harada (Rikkyo University)
"Gravitational collapse of a dust ball from a perspective of loop
quantum gravity: application"
Masahiro Shimano (Rikkyo University)
"The scalar field potential of the super-inflation in Loop Quantum
Nov. 21, Fri.
9:00-10:00 (Invited talk: 60min)
Roverto Emparan (Barcelona Spain)
"New phases of black holes in higher dimensions"
10:00-10:45 (15min x 3)
Olexandr Zhydenko (Universidade de Sao Paulo)
"Black string perturbations and the Gregory-Laflamme instability"
Antonino Flachi (YITP, Kyoto University)
"Signatures of spinning evaporating micro black holes"
Akihiro Ishibashi (KEK)
"Extremal Black Holes in Higher Dimensions and Symmetries"
10:45-11:15 Coffee and posters
11:15-12:15 (15min x 4)
Hiromi Saida (Daido Inst. of Tech.)
"Does the Entropy-Area law hold for Schwarzschild-de Sitter spacetime ?"
Tomo Tanaka (Waseda University)
"Black hole entropy for the general area spectrum"
Takahisa Igata (Osaka City University)
"Killing Tensors and Constants of Motion of a Charged Particle"
Motomu Tsuda (Saitama Institute of Technology)
"Nonlinear supersymmetric general relativity and origin of mass"
(28 Posters)
Masaru Adachi (Hirosaki University)
"Inhomogeneous interpretation on the m-z relation of the type Ia supernovae"
Fumitoshi Amemiya (Keio University)
"Deparametrised quantum cosmology with Phantom dust"
Hideyoshi Arakida (Waseda University)
"Influence of Dark Matter on Light Propagation in Solar System Experiment"
Frederico Arroja (University of Portsmouth)
"Second order gravitational waves"
Ryuichi Fujita (Raman Research Institute)
"Bound geodesics in Kerr space time"
Teruki Hanada (Yamaguchi University)
"Cosmology of multigravity"
Kazuhiro Iwata (Nagoya University)
"The distance-redshift relation for the inhomogeneous and anisotropic universe"
Nahomi Kan (Yamaguchi Junior College)
"Cancellation of long-range forces in Einstein-Maxwell-dilaton system"
Shota Kisaka (Hiroshima University)
"The correlation of black hole mass with metallicity index of host spheroid"
Hiroshi Kozaki (Ishikawa National College of Technology)
"Integrability of strings with a symmetry in the Minkowski spacetime"
Satoshi Maeda (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
"Primordial magnetic fields from second-order cosmological
perturbations: Tight coupling approximation"
Takuya Maki (Japan Woman's College of Physical Education)
"Dilatonic Universe in Arbitrary Dimensions"
Masato Minamitsuji (CQUeST, Sogang University)
"On thick de Sitter brane solutions in higher dimensions"
Yoshiyuki Morisawa (Osaka University of Economics and Law)
"On volume operator"
Kouji Nakamura (the Grad. Univ. for Adv. Studies, NAOJ) "
Second-order gauge-invariant cosmological perturbation theory 3 :
--- Consistency of equations ---"
Hiroyuki Nakano (Rochester Institute of Technology)
"Comparison of Post-Newtonian and Numerical Evolutions of Black-Hole Binaries"
Hidenori Nomura (Hiroshima University)
"Damping of the baryon acoustic oscillations in the matter power
spectrum as a probe of the growth factor"
Masato Nozawa (Waseda University)
"Quasinormal modes of black holes localized on the Randall-Sundrum 2-branes"
Yuji Ohsumi (Nagoya University)
"Classicality of the stochastic approach to inflation"
Takahiro Sato (Hiroshima University)
"Testing general relativity on the scales of cosmology using the
redshift-space distortion"
Yuuiti Sendouda (YITP, Kyoto University)
"Higher curvature theories of gravity in the ADM canonical formalism"
Hisa-aki Shinkai (Osaka Institute of Technology)
"Towards the dynamics in Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet gravity: Initial Value
Takeshi Suehiro (Keio University)
"Gravitational radiation from a stationary cosmic string"
Hideyuki Tagoshi (Osaka University)
"Detecting gravitational waves from inspiraling binaries with a
network of geographically separated detectors"
Takashi Tamaki (Waseda University)
"Revisiting chameleon gravity--thin-shells and no-shells with
appropriate boundary conditions"
Shinya Tomizawa (KEK)
"Kaluza-Klein-Kerr-G\"odel Black Holes"
Takashi Torii (Osaka Institute of Technology)
"Dilatonic Black Holes in Gauss-Bonnet Gravity in Various Dimensions"
Yuta Yamada (Osaka Institute of Technology)
"Apparent horizon formation in higher dimensional spacetime"