Here is the list of hotels close to HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY.
Please make reservation by yourself directly by phone or fax indicated below.
The website may offer you a variety of other options if you are interested in.
(near JR Saijo station, 1min by walking) Tel:+81+824221045 Fax:+81+824221046
Green-Hotel Morris
(near JR Saijo station, 10min by walking) Tel:+81+824937070 Fax:+81+824226161
(Near the conference place in the Hiroshima Univ. campus, 10 min by walking. Japanese language web page only.) Tel:+81+824311111 Fax:+81+824311111
The Conference dinner will be held on Wednesday evening
19th November at Hakuwa Hotel, which is located near Hiroshima University.
The fee, which is 5,000JPY for faculty members, JSPS fellows, Postdoc.,
and 4,000JPY for students, should be paid at registration desk
until 15:00 on Wednesday. Please bring your name badge, on
which there is an allowed sign.
The dinner will start from 18:00 and end at 20:00.
A free bus for Saijyo JR station will be arranged for participants
and will leave from the entrance of Hotel just after the party.
In the weekend, all banks in Japan are closed except in the airport.
It should be noticed that there are not so many places which accept credit cards.
People need to have a certain amount of cash.