
素ハ研セミナー: 黒木健志 (上智大学)

The first is the so-called “ultra-central flow puzzle”. Anisotropic flow harmonics, which play crucial roles in extracting the transport properties of QGP, are well described by hydrodynamics-based models. However, no dynamical model has ever reproduced the experimental data in ultra-central collisions, where hydrodynamics is expected to work better. I will discuss the effects of hydrodynamic fluctuations on anisotropic flow harmonics in ultra-central collisions.

The second is a phenomenological method known as “femtoscopy”. By utilizing high-energy nuclear collisions as the hadron factory, femtoscopy is expected to precisely unravel the low-energy interactions between hadrons that are difficult in direct scattering experiments. I will outline the framework of femtoscopy and discuss the importance of hydrodynamics-based models in the analysis of femtoscopy.

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