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Ken-Ichi Ishikawa

Name : Ken-Ichi Ishikawa

Research Interests: Lattice QCD, Elementary particle physics

Address: Hiroshima University, Department of Physical Science, Kagamiyama 1-3-1, Higashi Hiroshima, 739-8526, Japan

Office Phone : +81-(0)824-24-7363

Office FAX : +81-(0)824-24-0717

E-mail : ishikawa[at mark]

Papers : inspirehep

A stencil communication sample program with double buffering using MPI-1.

The two dimensional Poisson equation is solved with the Jacobi iteration algorithm. This work has been done with Issaku Kanamori and the co-design working group members for the lattice QCD applications on Post K Computer, and supported by Priority Issue 9 to be tackled by Using Post K Computer.

Fiber Miniapp Suite

Fiber is a suite of miniapps that are maintained and developed at RIKEN Advanced Institute for Computational Science (RIKEN AICS). This contains the Lattice QCD quark solver benchmark program called “CCS QCD”.

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